MTL 63,5×88 mm 50 db kártyavédő Prémium Kék hátlappal
1 660 Ft
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MTL 63,5×88 mm 50 db kártyavédő Prémium Kék hátlappal
MTL kód: MTL303
Mennyiség: 50 db/csomag alkalmasak 63,5 X 88 mm méretű kártyákhoz (kb. 2 1/2 X 3 1/2 hüvelyk) Vastagság: 90 mikron (vastag). Ár csomagra értendő Hasonló termékek Gyártó oldala Többek között, ezekhez a játékokhoz alkalmazható ez a méret:
- 100 Swords, 1066, Tears To Many Mothers, 12 Days of Christmas, 1955: The War of Espionage, 3012, 51st State Original & Master Set, 7 Souls, 8 Masters’ Revenge,
- A Game of Thrones (LCG), A Place in the Sun, A Spoiled Victory: Dunkirk 1940, Acquire (new version), Adellos, Advanced Guildhall Fantasy: The Gathering, Adventure of D, Aeon’s End, Agents of SMERSH, Akrotin, Alicematic Heroes, Alien Artifacts, Alien Frontiers, Among Thieves, Amphipolis, Anomaly, Arcadia Quest (Hero and Monster cards), Archmage, Area 1851, Arena: The Contest, Argoat, Art of War: The Card Game, Ascenscion: Deckbuilding Game, Assault: 19xx, Assault of the Giants, Aura, AuZtralia, Aventuria: Adventure Card Game, Axis & Allies & Zombies,
- Back to the Future: An Adventure Through Time, Barker’s Row, Bargain Quest, Battle of the Bards, Bearly Working, Bears vs Babies, Belfort, Big Trouble in Little China: The Game, Birdie Fight!, Birds of a Feather, Black Metal, Black Rose Wars, Bloody Sands Dice, Boardgamegeek: The Card Game, Bootleggers, Borderlands: Tiny Tina’s Robot Tea Party, Bounty Town, Brass Empire, Breaking Bad: The Board Game, Burger Boss, Burke’s Gambit,
- Call of Cthulhu (LCG), Caper, Captains of the Gulf, Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale, Cash ‘n’ Guns (2nd Edition), Cat Rescue, Cat Town, Clockwork Wars, Coconuts, Codex: Card-Tim Strategy, Coin & Crown, Coldwater Crown, Colors of Kasane, Colt Express, Commands & Colors Tricorne: The American Revolution, Conflicting Legends (2nd edition), Conquest of Paradise, Control, Corrupted Kingdoms, Cosmic Kaboom, Council of Blackthorn, Court of the Dead: Mourners Call, Covert, Cowboy Bebop: Space Serenade, CO₂: Second Chance, Crazy Creatures of Dr. Doom, Crisis at Steamfall, CrossTalk, Crunch: the Game for Utter Bankers, Cryptid, Crystal Clans, Cthulhu: Rise of the Cults, Cthulhu Gloom, Curses!, Cutthroat Caverns, Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game,
- Dark Horse, Dark Souls: The Board Game, Dark Souls: The Card Game, Darkest Night (2nd ed.), Dawn of the Zeds, Daws: Rise of the Occulites, Daxu, Deadzone, Dead Men Tell no Tales, Dead of Winter, Dead Panic, Defenders of the Last Stand, Defenders of the Realm, Delve, Democracy under Siege, Demon Worker, Diamant, Dice Hospital, Dice Settlers, Dinosaur Island, Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks, Dojo Kun (2017), Dominare, Dominion of the Stars, Doppelgänger, Draconis Invasion, Dragonrealm, Dreamwell, Dread Curse, Dreary Hamlet, Drunk Stoned or Stupid: A Party Game, Duel of Ages II, Duelosaur Island, Dune, Dungeon Alliance, Dungeon Busters, Dungeon Hustle, Dwarf, Dwellings of Eldervale,
- Earth Reborn, Eaten by Zombies, Edge of Darkness, Eggs of Ostrich, Einstein: His Amazing Life and Incomparable Science, Elysium, Eminent Domain, Empires at Sea, Empyreal: As Above, So Below, Endure the Stars, Epic Card Game, Epic PvP: Magic, Escape from Colditz(v1973), Everdell, Evil High Priest, Evolution, Evolution: The Origin of Species, Evolution: The Beginning, EXCEED Fighting System, Exodus Fleet, Exploding Kittens, Exposed,
- Fairy Talem, Fantahzee: Hordes&Heroes, Feelinks, Ferox, Fiasco, Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar, Firefly: The Game, First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet, Flame War, Fleet: The Dice Game, Flip Ships, Folklore: The Affliction, Forbidden Sky, Forbidden Stars, Forestaurant, Forged in Steel, Forsaken Forest, Fort, Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game,
- Galaxy Command, Galaxy Defenders, Gates of Delirium, Gato Leader, Gearworks, Gekido: Bot Battles, Gem Rush, Gen7: A Crossroads Game, Getaway Driver, Gingerdead House, GKR: Heavy Hitters, Gloom of Kilforth, Gloomhaven, Go Nuts for Donuts, Godsforge, Gorechosen, GrandPrix, Gravwell, Greedy Kingdoms, Grimslingers, Grimslingers: Duels, GROWL, Gruff, Guildhall Fantasy, Gyrating Hamsters,
- Hanamikoji, Hands in the Sea, Hànzì, Hapsburg Eclipse, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle, Haunt the House, Healing Blade: Defenders of Soma, Heir to the Pharaoh, Heirs of the Wizard King, Hera & Zeus, Herbaceous, Herbalism, Here, Kitty, Kitty!, Hero of Week Hawken, Hero Realms, Heroes, Heroes Incorporated, Hex Hex XL, Highlander: The Duel, High Society, High Treason: The Trial of Louis Riel, Histrio, Hit Z Road, Hocus, Holding On: The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr, Holmes! (2nd edition), Holmes and Moriarty, Human Punishment: Social Deduction 2.0,
- I Can’t Even With These Marvelous Supers, I Can’t Even With These Monsters, I Can’t Even With These Spectacular Supers, I say, Icaion, If I’m Going Down…, Imaginarium, Immortal, Imperial Settlers, Imperial Struggle, Imperius, Incan Gold, Infamy, Infinity Gauntlet: A Love Letter Game, Innovation, Into the Black: Boarding Party, Invasion from Outer Space: The Martian Game, Inuit: The Snow Folk, Iron Sky: The Board Game,
- Jaipur, Jaws, Joking Hazard, Jurassic Park: Danger! Adventure Strategy Game, Just One, Justice League: Dawn of Heroes,
- Kaiju Crush, Kamigami Battles, Karmaka, Kemomimi Panic, Keyforge, Khronos, Kick-Ass: The Board Game, Kigi, Kill the Overlord, Killing Code: Venice Vendetta , Kings of Air and Steam, King of New York, King of Tokyo, King’s Forge, King’s Kilt, Kingswood, Kittens in a Blender, Kodama: The Tree Spirits, Kodama Duo, Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama, Kung Fu Fighting (2019 reboot), Kunitori! Kessen: The Battle of Moegahara,
- Last Will, Lawyer Up, Leaders of Euphoria: Choose a Better Oppressor, Legendary, Legendary Encounters: The X-Files Deck Building Game, Legend of the Five Rings, Letter GO!, Level 7: Omega Protocol, Lewis $ Clark, Libertalia, Liberte, Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection, Light Rail, Lisboa, Lobotomy, London (2nd ed.), London Dread, Loop Inc., Lords of Hellas, Lords of Waterdeep, Lost Temple, Lotus, Love Battle! High School, Love Formula, Love Letter,
- Magestorm, Magic: The Gathering, Man Bites Dog, Maniacal, Margraves of Valeria, Marvel Champions: The Card Game, Marvel: Crisis Protocol, Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia, Master of the Galaxy, Mechs vs. Minions, Medieval, Mega Man Pixel Tactics, Mega Man: The Board Game, Mettalum, Miaui, Mice and Mystics, Miraris, Mission: Red Planet, Mistfall, Moa, Mole Rats in Space, Monad, Monarch, Monster Crunch! The Breakfast Battle Game, Monster Lands, Monstrous, Mottainai, Mountains of Madness, Mow Money, Multiuniversum, Museum, Mystic Market, Myth, Mythos Tales,
- Naruto Shippuden: Deck-Building Game, Nations: The Dice Game, Nefarious, Nemesis, Neolithic, Nerdy Inventions, Nexus Ops (Avalon), Nightfall, Nile, Nile Deluxor, Ninja All-Stars, Nostra City, Not Alone, Nothing Personal,
- Oceans, Of Dreams & Shadows, Oktoberfest, Omen: Edge of the Aegean, On Mars, One Deck Dungeon, Onimaru, Onward to Venus, One of Us becomes an Evil God!, Ophir, OrcQuest, Orphan Black: The Card Game, Ottoman Sunset: The Great War in the Near East 1914-1918, Outfoxed, Overlords of Infamy, Overseers,
- Pacific Typhoon, Palm Island, Pandemic (all versions), Paperback, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Paths of Glory, Pavlov’s House, Pax Pamir (Second Edition), Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain, Perdition’s Mouth: Abyssal Rift, Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars, Periodic: A Game of The Elements, Perspective, Pigment, Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach, Pinball Showdown, Pit Fighter: Fantasy Arena, Pixel Tactics, Planetarium, Pocket Mars, Point Salad, Pokemon, Poker Assault, Police Precinct, Posthuman, Pot de Vin, Pralaya, Progress: Evolution of Technology, Project: ELITE (2020), Proving Grounds, Prowler’s Passage,
- Quartermaster General,
- Race for the Galaxy, Raccoon Tycoon, Raid on Taihoku, Railways of the World, Ravnica: Inquisition, Realm of Sand, Reef, Relic Knights, Renegade, Res Arcana, Revolver, Richard the Lionheart, Rise to Nobility, Rising Sun, Robin Hood and the Merry Men, Robot Turtles, Robots: Battle for the Coal Heart, Roll for It!, Root, Rum & Bones, Rune Stones, RWBY: Combat Ready,
- Sagrada, Saga of the Northmen, Saloon Tycoon, Samsara, Sarkophag, Savage Planet: The Fate of Fantos, School of Sorcery, Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game, Scoundrel Society, ScrumBrawl, Seafall, Secret Unknown Stuff: Escape from Dulce, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Serpents of the Seas, Shadow Throne, Shadowscape, Shakespeare, Shards of Infinity, Shikoku, Shinobi Wat-AAH!, Silver, Simurgh, Sine Tempore, Sixes, Skies Above the Reich, Skulls of Sedlec, Slap .45, Small Islands, Smash Up, Sojourn, Sola Fide: The Reformation, Sorcerer City, Sovereign Skies, Space Explorers, SpaceCorp, Spaceteam, Sparkle*Kitty, Speakeasy Blues, Specter Ops, Spell Smashers, Spellcaster, Sprawlopolis, Spyfall 2, Spirit Island, Star Realms, Star Trek (TCG), Star Trek: Ascendancy, Star Trek: Panic, Star Wars: Armada, Star Wars: Destiny, Starcadia Quest, Starlight Stage, Starship Samurai, Startropolis, Street Masters, Student Bodies, Subatomic: An Atom Building Game, Sun, Moon & Stars, Super Dungeon Explore, Super Fantasy Brawl, Super Motherload, Swinging Jivecat Voodoo Lounge, Sylla,
- Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon, Tang Garden, Tanto Cuore, Tara, Seat of Kings, Tarot Storia, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past, Temporal Odyssey, Terraforming Mars, Terrors of London, Tesla vs. Edison, Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War, The Alwaysgreen Garden, The Banishing, The Big Book of Madness, The Brigade, The Butterfly Garden, The Captain is Dead, The Dragon and the Emperor, The Dragon & Flagon, The Dresden Files: Cooperative Card Game, The Everrain, The Final Flicktier, The Football Game, The Grand Trunk Journey, The Grimm Forest, The King Is Dead, The King’s Guild, The King’s Will, The Networks, The Ninth World: A Skillbuilding Game for Numenera, The Opulent, The Order of Vampire Hunters, The Others: 7 Sins, The Perfect Heist, The Phoenix Syndicate, The Pirate Republic, The Prodigals Club, The Producer: 1940-1944, The Red Dragon Inn, The Refuge: Terror from the Deep, The Shared Dream, The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31, The Walking Dead: No Sanctuary, Thief’s Market, Thunder in the East, Thunderbirds, Thunderstone, Tiger Leader, Tin Goose, Tiny Epic Western, Tiny Towns, Titanic, Tower of Madness, Traders of Osaka, Trash-Car, Trick-Taking: The Trick-Taking Game, Trickster: Champions of Time, Turris, Twilight of the Gods, Twilight Struggle, Tyrant of the Underdusk,
- Ultimate Werewolf Legacy, Unbroken, Unearth, Unfair, Unicornus Knights, Unmatched: Battle of Legends, Unpub: The Unpublished Card Game, Unstable Unicorns, Until Daylight, Untold: Adventures Await,
- V-Commandos, V-Wars, Valley of the Kings, Vast: The Crystal Caverns, Vault Wars, Via Nebula, Victoriana, Video Game High School, Village in a Box, Villainous, Vinhos (deluxe ed.), Virgin Queen, Virgin Seas, Viticulture,
- Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay, War Chest, Warhammer 40k: Conquest, Warhammer Invasion, Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, Warriors of the Promised Land, Wasabi, Web of Spies, Western Legends, When I Dream, Who Goes There?, Wild Blue Yonder, Wildlands, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner, Wisdom of Solomon, Witchhunt, Witches of the Revolution, Wizard Kittens, Wizard’s Academy, Wonky, World of Warcraft(TCG),
- Xenoshyft:Onslaught,
- Yomi,
- Zendo, Zimby Mojo, Zoo Break, Zulus on the Ramparts!
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